Guest blogger Kathy Storring
(Last in a series)
Who are the characters in Pocket Rocket?
Who are the characters in Pocket Rocket?
Well, they are drawn
from Lea Daniel and Gary Kirkham’s friends and life experiences; they are
moulded by specific time periods and historical perspectives. And they are
partly Gary and partly Lea — sometimes in the same character. Sometimes unexpectedly.
There was a revealing
moment in our interview when Gary pointed out the similarities between Lea and a
character named Dave.
Lea reacted with
surprise as Gary tallied the ways Dave mirrors parts of her life. Dave starts
his family early — Lea had her first child at 19. The play’s street hockey
action takes place in front of Dave’s house — the seeds for the play were
planted as Lea watched neighbourhood street hockey games in front of her
house. Dave takes over the family
business; Lea followed her father into the arts, despite having already pursued
a degree in psychology.
So character
development can start close to home.
“You do that
subconsciously,” Gary says.
“Well, really subconsciously,” Lea adds with a laugh. “Because I
hadn’t thought about it until this morning!”
Yet the Dave character
also reflects Gary — his wanderlust, his desire for more.
“I think that the
extraordinary thing is how autobiographical the play is — for both of us. In
the same character even,” Gary says. “That could sound peculiar, but you have a
character on stage for an hour and a half. … We are all so complex, we are all
Dave’s appeal works for
others too. At readings, audiences have told Lea and Gary that they “know
Another character, Ifty,
is a newcomer to Canada in 1967 “and that’s totally me,” says Gary, who arrived
from Britain that year. “The moment of him seeing a game was me coming into
this country and saying, ‘Can I play with you guys?’ ”
Yet Lea says that
character reminds her of her son on a family trip to Europe — the way he
watched kids playing, too shy to ask to join. “He just wanted to play so much.
It would break your heart.”
Transitions and transformations
Local audiences will
meet all of Pocket Rocket’s characters, four
males and a female, April 20 at the Lost & Found Theatre premiere at
Kitchener’s Registry Theatre. The actors – Matt White (Dave), Mark Kreder
(Paul), Andrei Preda (Steve), Suchiththa DeSilva (Ifty) and Hannah Ziss (Cindy) -- will morph through time during
three acts. The first act is set in 1967, requiring them to slip back to age
13. From there, the action jumps 14 years to 1981, and then about 14 years
again to the mid-1990s.
At every stage, the
play is about friendship — road hockey gives them an excuse to hang out.
“This is what the
people who stick with you are like,” Gary says. “Or those friendships that you
get back again. You get back together after 10 or 15 years and it’s like you’ve
never been apart.”
The time jumps are
reminiscent of a series of acclaimed documentaries in Britain. In the first
show, Seven Up, director Michael
Apted captured a group of seven-year-olds in 1964. Followup docs have checked
in with the characters every seven years. The most recent instalment was 56 Up.
Lea and Gary are
fascinated by the documentaries’ transitions and transformations, and by how
Apted didn’t coddle the viewers — he simply let the characters pick up their
stories. Moulding fictional characters is easier, of course, but as much as
possible Gary and Lea stuck to an organic course, just letting the characters
grow out of their backstories.
In the first act, the
characters are about age 13 — children on the verge of adolescent angst. The
next act shoots them into their 20s, where the freedom of young adulthood mixes
with the uncertainty of what’s to come.
Gary remembers this
stage well. “Thirty for me was traumatic. I was nowhere. I was in-between
everything and that reflects itself in the characters.”
The third act brings
the characters into their 40s. “You understand yourself better,” Lea says.
“Maybe some of the possibilities aren’t there any more so you can narrow your
focus a bit.”
Deeper themes
Pocket Rocket’s
time spans also have a broader perspective.
“It was really
important to me that it be about Canada,” Lea says. “There’s a real underlying
theme of Canada’s growing up and maturing along with these kids.”
Pocket Rocket
even touches Quebec’s flirtation with independence and the changing sexual
values of the times.
By beginning in 1967,
Centennial year, the play explores Canada’s “peak of optimism,” Lea says. This
was also a time of rapid immigration, and as one of those newcomers, Gary
remembers it as a “magical time.”
The next act is in
1981, a year in which two names were stamped deeply into the national psyche — Wayne Gretzky and Terry Fox.
In writing this
section, Lea was determined to understand hockey and the fascination with
Gretzky, a hockey powerhouse for the Edmonton Oilers. As she jokes: “I did
think there are people so passionate about hockey that if you do something that
is egregiously wrong, someone is going to stand up and say, ‘No!’ ”
As for Terry Fox, both
Gary and Lea were deeply moved by his passion and by his death in 1981. They remember
the way the whole nation held its breath in 1980 as Fox dipped his artificial
leg into the Atlantic and set off on a cross-Canada run for cancer
research. After 143 days — 5,373
kilometres — his cancer returned and he was forced to abandon his Marathon of
It was a tragic story,
but also a symbolic one.
“Nobody thinks he is
not a hero,” Gary muses.
“Not completing his
run, not finishing, and still that’s a hero for us. Trying is heroic — in a way
that’s just who we are.”
Let the games begin!
So, are the actors
busily honing hockey skills in between rehearsals? The play does revolve around
road hockey after all.
Well, that’s where
theatre magic steps in. Sound effects will fuel the audience’s imagination, and
the set will complete the fantasy with its curbs, sidewalks and houses. As the play’s various storylines unfold and
the characters gain depth, it won’t matter whether the actors have scored any
real goals.
“It’s sort of a
metaphor for what we are doing,” Gary says.
“You never see the game
— you see the aftermath.”
So, get your tickets! Pocket Rocket is not to be missed, whether
you are a hockey player, an avid bystander or, most importantly, someone who
loves great theatre. Lost and Found Theatre presents Pocket Rocket April 20-30,
2016, at the Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener.
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