Friday, January 23, 2009

Next up: John Mighton's Possible Worlds, May 21-30, 2009 at the Registry Theatre. Check the website for details.

1 comment:

Nicole Lee Quesnel said...

I'm very excited to have this opportunity to direct again. One of the joys of working with Lost & Found Theatre is that even though we each have strengths in one area or another, we have the opportunity to experiment, to grow in other disciplines.

Even though my degree is in directing, I don't direct as much as I like, partly because there's just more work out there as a stage manager. Also because it takes a while for me to find pieces I'm interested in directing. The passion needs to be there, along with a vision, a group of people who want to and have time to go on the journey with you, planets aligning, cats and dogs sleeping together...It's a mystery!